Saturday, 8 April 2017

Hey, You, Get Off of My Lawn!

If this title doesn't evoke the image of a grumpy old man waving a fist at some neighborhood kids, we're doing it wrong. Aside from troublesome teenagers getting into your green space, there are other entities creeping up and taking over space. These could be out of control grass, a cat camping in your bushes or trees that are attempting a slightly hostile take over. Their roots can get under the sidewalk and if you aren't careful, a low-hanging branch might try to take your eye out:

Shelly Schwartlander has been living at the Point Loma Tennis Club since 1991. The complex, built in 1968, sits on 13 acres and has approximately 260 trees of many different species. But it’s the eucalyptus trees that keep Schwartlander awake at night. She says they are overgrown with heavy branches and the roots have been removed.

“For a few years I have tried unsuccessfully to get [the homeowners' association] to reduce the heavy limbs of a 90-foot and a 80-foot eucalyptus tree as an independent certified arborist advised should be done in fall of 2014," she said.

“Now, at the end of 2016, the overgrown trees threaten two 3-story buildings — at 4012 Valeta Street — that each have 26 units, as the trees are less than six feet from the buildings, lean close to the buildings, and the heavy limbs are over the buildings and walkway…. Not only are they neglected, but the landscapers have removed the roots from both trees in December 2015 and then again in September 2016 to make room for a sidewalk."

After the root removal, Schwartlander said it “looked like a graveyard full of tree roots…huge amounts of roots dug up right at the tree trunks, roots filling large garbage bins full and roots as wide as ten inches or so close up…. With the amount of roots removed, it's hard to imagine the trees are stable, especially as eucalyptus don't have deep roots.”


Hopefully these trees are looked after properly to prevent any accidents. A major concern when dealing with trees is that if you remove too much of their lower support they have no where else to go but down. Proper tree removal,, or stump removal,, then becomes a necessity. Tree maintenance should be routine for anyone who has them on their property. It's just as important as mowing your lawn or watering your garden. If you can make time for one, you should be making time for the other.

Hey, You, Get Off of My Lawn! Read more on: ACTS


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