Sunday, 13 May 2018

Tree Planting Needed Now More Than Ever

The planet has a new face now: sprawling urban landscapes and commercial cities that features tall skyscrapers and many other artificial edifices that define modern living. We may see a few plants here and there in an effort of some establishments to maintain an environment-friendly image but it is rare to see a thriving natural environment in the heart of the city. Even out there in rural areas, the forests aren’t as alive as it once was and quite balding too. Trees are growing far in between and the local wildlife also tries their best to adapt to the changing landscape. Since climate change is now considered a pressing issue by the majority of the world’s population and governments all over the world make a conscious effort in addressing the problem while we still have time to act on it.

Both public and private organizations help one another in trying to address deforestation issues. Even in third-world countries that are plagued by a greater deal of political, social, and economic issues, they understand that they have more to lose if they don’t do something about the majority of the climate-related problems we now face. They have fewer resources than progressive nations and what they lack in funding for innovative studies and research to find the solution to climate change, they can do something more practical and tangible that won’t require as many resources: plant trees. Yes, literally planting trees may be a simple solution but it is definitely one of the most effective solutions we can come up with to deter climate change from progressing.

Climate change and human activity is devastating areas of Morocco's forest ecosystems, where forests cover more than 90,000 square kilometres, which is nearly 13% of the country.

Tree cover loss in Morocco stood at 31,724 hectares between 2001-2016, while gain lagged behind at 19,541 over the same period, according to statistics from Global Forest Watch.

To counter this, the Moroccan government announced a partnership with civil society groups to plant 800,000 trees across the North African country by 2024.

By involving civil society and local groups in their plan, the government hopes to plant the seeds of change to help communities understand the effects of deforestation and prevent its spread.


If we look at the bigger picture, the Earth is just but a shadow of the lush planet that it once was. Gone were the wide forests thriving with plant-life and animal life. Trees not only die on their own because of climate change and wildfire, for instance, but also because humans cut it through illegal logging and for a variety of reasons such as the expansion of residential, agricultural, and commercial areas. Seeing how extensive the damage is, it only makes sense why a public-private partnership is a must and we should commend nations like Morocco that does its part in saving the planet from the mess it is in now.

DFCC Bank embarked on far-reaching tree planting sustainability measures during the current year which have been commended by Reforest Sri Lanka, with whom the Bank collaborated to plant endemic and native species of trees. A non-profit society committed to protect and extend the forest cover in Sri Lanka, Reforest Sri Lanka has specifically mentioned the extensive commitment of funds and volunteers that DFCC Bank has committed to this cause. This project was conducted as part of the commemorative staff tree-planting campaign launched this year to reforest key areas across the island, whilst giving back to society at large. In this campaign, a tree is planted to celebrate each and every staff member’s birthday for which they receive a personalized invitation to attend the tree-planting campaign with their families. An e-tree-dedication certificate providing the link to the exact location on Google maps where the tree was planted is sent to them. All staff members are also invited to attend these campaigns and are encouraged to participate with their families.  


If we continue these reforestation efforts, we may have a shot in increasing our chances of minimizing the negative impacts of climate change and make the planet a little more hospitable for human life and to all the living organisms that call this world its home. We can all take inspiration from these tree-planting initiatives of less progressive nations like Morocco and Sri Lanka. If they can do it, there is no reason why a country more powerful and richer like the US can’t fill its land with trees and plants considering it has one of the highest carbon emissions on land.

If we are having issues with trees in our neighborhood, let’s not act rashly and decide on cutting it when a little trimming can solve the problem for you. Contact for assistance in trimming trees that we so badly need in keeping carbon levels from getting too high that we’ll start having trouble with merely surviving.

Tree Planting Needed Now More Than Ever was first seen on All Clear Tree Service's Blog
