Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Plants That Can Beat The Heat

If humans are complaining about the heat, do you think other living things on the planet aren’t just as affected? Most of the time we only think about ourselves that we forget that other species living on the planet suffer just like us. What are they? Trees and plants, they all have to endure the heat and chill and everything else the elements throw at them as if they have any choice over the matter. The erratic weather makes it even worse as they have nothing to use to shield themselves from the rain, wind, sun, etc. However, their very existence also makes a world of difference to how well the planet copes to human abuse and misuse of earth’s resources.

If you want to do something right, plant trees that can survive the sweltering heat of summer. Plant trees and plants that require little watering and attention. It is a misconception that all plants require the same amount of care and attention. Some are less demanding and can survive with little water even for days at a time. And best of all, you add more green to the planet when it is needed the most. When you look around you, you’ll see more concrete landscapes than natural ones and some kids haven’t even seen certain plant and tree species because there is no room for them in the bustling city.

Sedums and succulents need “moderate” water, not “no” water. This means that if they are growing in the hot sun in a small pot or sandy soil, they could dry out in as soon as two days. Plants in the ground can spread out their roots and find moisture but plants in small pots dry out quickly — even sedums.

The key to happy sedums and succulents is good drainage, bright sun light and water as soon as the soil has dried out. Sedums do not need full sun and prefer morning sun and afternoon shade.

They do store water in their fleshy leaves, so they can survive if you occasionally skip a watering. But the sedums that require the least amount of water are those planted in the ground with established root systems.

(Via: https://www.thenewstribune.com/living/home-garden/article215837665.html)

Choose sedums and succulents that can thrive well despite the rising temperature. They bring life to any space with the pop of green from them and they obviously help in cooling the temperature as well. They require little upkeep and is perfect for all busy city dwellers who juggle so much with their time. Watering it moderately is enough to keep these plants alive. They need not be exposed to sunlight all the time as well, so you can just let them be in a certain spot in your home and enjoy its beauty and the coolness it offers.


What's better than having a house full of plants during the summertime? Having a houseplant that can also cure your sunburn.

Aloe plants are succulents that come in various colors and sizes ranging from a couple of inches to 30-feet tall. This plant loves the sun and does well in dry climates. In the summer months, Apartment Therapy recommends soaking the plant thoroughly but allowing it to completely dry in between waterings.

ZZ Plant

This waxy and shiny plant consists of oval-shaped leaves and a thick stem that feathers out toward the ends. Good news for you: It's considered as nearly indestructible and thrives when it's left alone.

While the ZZ plant does best with indirect sunlight, it can survive just fine in a shady corner of a room. If you're forgetful and miss a couple days of watering, this plant usually doesn't take notice since it requires very little watering, according to the Independent.

(Via: https://www.thisisinsider.com/plants-that-are-easy-to-keep-alive-hard-to-kill-2018-7#8-zz-plant-8)

Of course, while these plants require little attention and watering, it does not mean that they don’t need your care at all. Especially during the first year, don’t neglect them as they can die on you too. They may be more enduring than most plants and trees but they need sunlight, water, and some sort of attention for them to thrive and be able to fend for themselves. Once fully grown, even individuals without a green thumb can grow them at home and not end up killing these plants in the process.

Think of these plants when growing greens at home. They can be your own contribution to supporting the planet’s healing from all the things it has to endure now. Pollution is at its highest and resources are fast depleting. We can all pitch in and add more green even if the weather is such a bummer.

Meanwhile, for trees with troublesome branches, hire professionals like http://www.allcleartree.com/trimming to have them trimmed rather than cut altogether. It is a better and far more acceptable solution rather than planting a new tree in its wake.

The blog post Plants That Can Beat The Heat is republished from http://www.allcleartree.com

source https://www.allcleartree.com/trimming/plants-that-can-beat-the-heat

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Modern Life Needs Trees After All

We are living in a concrete jungle that is ever growing as the days pass by. Some kids don’t even understand what nature really is all about when they haven’t seen much in their surroundings for a while now with rapid urbanization taking the world by storm. Cities are expanding and there is a big demand for space where more homes or buildings can be built. However, one must admit that we can’t live on concrete alone? Yes, they are sturdy, make for fine homes, and protect us from the elements and all but there are things that trees can provide that your home can’t always offer.

You’ll feel a tree’s importance in the heat of summer. When the sun is out to make everyone’s lives a living hell, the shade provided by trees can cool you down and keep you sane despite the sweltering heat. There is usually no more space to grow trees in the city when developers and builders can build a concrete structure that would make them millions, right? However, a lot of cities today make an effort to adding more greenery in their communities such as trees because it helps them cope with the heat. It is as simple as that. We can build concrete fortresses and all but we can’t live without nature. Imagine walking along a street devoid of trees? It not only looks grim but most likely uncomfortable too because nothing else can shield you from the elements.

In a study with Georgia Tech, Texas Tree Foundation looked at summer temperatures throughout the city, finding that the hottest areas averaged 100 degrees. Planting trees and adding other greenery, they found, could help cool some areas as much as 15 degrees on hot days. Beyond providing shade, trees help cool the air as water evaporates from leaves. The study found that planting trees was three times more effective than other strategies for cooling the city of Dallas.

A second map, created by the Trust for Public Land, considered multiple other factors beyond heat in Dallas–from asthma rates to a need for green space–to prioritize Oak Cliff. The project team worked with people living in the neighborhood to understand the routes that students walked to school and other routes pedestrians are most likely to take in order to further prioritize where to plant trees.

“If we had unlimited resources, we would plant trees everywhere, but this study allowed us to pinpoint those neighborhoods where we could do the maximum amount of good with the resources that we have,” says Matt Grubisich, director of operations and urban forestry for the Texas Trees Foundation.

(Via: https://www.fastcompany.com/90204411/a-simple-solution-to-help-cities-fight-overheating-more-trees)

Aside from the shade provided by trees, their presence definitely makes the place cooler. Some cities conducted studies that revealed trees help in cooling down the environment from the water that evaporates from each of its leaves. They even discovered that having more trees planted in a community is even more effective in cooling rather than other methods. If you resort to the use of air conditioning systems, you won’t have a hard time beating the heat but your wallet will definitely suffer from the high electric bills until summer ends.

But it’s how the city’s plants and trees contribute to boosting public health that could prove of more lasting importance. The new work has found that healthcare costs are reduced by almost £12 per person due to the airs pollutants being absorbed by the surrounding vegetation, a total saving of £59.2m in 2015. What that means in practical terms is less money being spent on treating avoidable air quality related issues such as heart disease, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. In fact, a similar figure can also be shown for Edinburgh (£10.47 per person), while the less densely populated Dumfries and Galloway in the borders can point to an even higher figure, with £14.55 saved per head in avoided health costs.

(Via: https://metro.co.uk/2018/07/31/glasgows-trees-are-saving-the-citys-life-7780171/)

It is no wonder cities right now are doubling their efforts in making cities green once more without hampering progress. Tree-planting initiatives are conducted by both private individuals and organizations and even by the local officials because we all know that the planet is gradually heating up, we can’t beat it unless we invest in long-term solutions like filling as many place as we can with more trees. The trees save us from pollution too, so it is actually a win-win solution for everyone. We finally get to do something about a perennial that threatens our very own survival. If a tree needs to be removed, though, in order for a new one to be planted again, so ask experts like https://www.allcleartree.com/removal to do it for you. Not only is it quicker but it surely is safer too.

The following blog article Modern Life Needs Trees After All was originally published on The All Clear Tree Service Blog

source https://www.allcleartree.com/modern-life-needs-trees-after-all/

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Trees Suffer In Silence During Summer

We all know that the world is round, right? Even young kids know that. And as such, the season changes depending on what part of the world you are in. All seasons have their pros and cons and you’d likely complain about it when you’re experiencing it and missing it once the season changes. Well, humans can be so fickle sometimes and it is a normal part of human nature. But have we tried looking past our own interests and start looking at the things around us. For instance, trees are living things too that are affected by the environment in as much as we are.

Summer, in particular, is a very hard time for them too. The heat can be too much and when not taken care of properly, it can take its toll to a tree that is out there in the open with nothing to shield it from the scorching heat of the sun. Most trees grow on their own, with no owners to care for them, water them, and ensure they can survive summer in one piece. The heat can cause its leaves to wilt and make it prone to infestation from tree parasites. They may need to get treatment from most diseases affecting trees but who will do it for them?

It is not uncommon to start seeing various leaf diseases on trees and plants this time of year. Many of these diseases can reoccur annually, and some depend on what kind of weather we are having in the spring and summer. Apple scab is a common ailment that affects apple and crabapple trees. It appears on leaves as dull, brown, irregular spots and can change to light green velvety spots. These leaves will normally start to fall off the tree in various degrees. The best way to manage this disease is to plant varieties that are resistant to apple scab. There are treatments available, but they are very timely and aren’t always successful. Fireblight is another apple disease which quickly turns leaves brown/black, and they do not drop to the ground. The bark in this area will look shriveled and also turn brownish/black. There is no effective treatment for this disease other than pruning out the infected branches.

(Via: https://www.farmforum.net/farm_forum/tree-talk-trees-and-leaves/article_2b0a2c87-c0e5-573c-ba0a-0d29cc2dfacf.html)

Some conditions do not necessarily need treatment because they go away on their own like the common cold and flu that humans get once in a while. Even trees in homes with owners to take care of them still suffer from the severe heat of the summer sun. Droughts can even worsen the situation especially that global warming is severely impacting natural weather systems and making them more intense than before. Trees don’t stand a chance given they are more exposed to the elements than us humans.

Tree maintenance procedures:

* Water appropriately.

o The best time to water is in the morning.

o Water slowly once or twice a week by running a sprinkler or drip hose beneath the tree. Avoid irrigating the trunk, as the increased moisture can favor root rot disease.

o Concentrate on the area directly beneath the foliage known as the “drip zone.”

o Making sure to follow your local irrigation ordinance.

o Place a large soup can near your sprinkler and water until two inches of water has collected in the can.

* Fertilize.

o Fertilizer enhances root development and promotes carbohydrate production, which supplies energy necessary for growth.

(Via: https://www.wtnh.com/on-air/good-morning-ct-at-nine/taking-care-of-your-trees-during-the-summer-months/1317601625)

You may think that trees grow forever until they are intentionally cut down but they actually aren’t invincible to the elements. They can die early because of the skyrocketing temperature but do they really need to perish when you can do something about it? Trees in the wild may struggle a lot and there is little (to nothing) you can do about it but there is something you can do about the trees in your yard and even in your neighborhood. You can spare a few minutes of your day watering them so they can cope with the sweltering heat all day long. They’re not too hard to do and are often common gardening techniques observed by many. If the situation can’t be salvaged anymore and the tree is gone beyond help, then better have it removed, stump and all, by professionals like http://www.allcleartree.com/stump-removal and plant a new one in its wake.

The following blog post Trees Suffer In Silence During Summer is courtesy of The All Clear Tree Service Blog

source https://www.allcleartree.com/trees-suffer-in-silence-during-summer/

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Trees Make All The Difference

We live in such a capitalistic world where money makes the world go round. Well, it is true in a lot of ways. We need to spend money in order to make more money. There is also one major reality that often goes unnoticed by many, the amount of trash we make makes it increasingly difficult to live in the planet we call home. Pollution is a global problem and abuse and misuse of the world’s resources has significantly harmed the world thereby hastening global warming and climate change.

Concerned citizens have been exploring all means to preserve the world’s resources for the future generation but it seems our efforts are faltering and we aren’t making much progress. When it seems like a lost cause already, we just keep surprising ourselves with innovative ways of making the world a little better one day at a time. It can be finding new ways of using natural resources to address current problems and one of the major issues these days has to deal with an excessive use of plastic.

Despite more companies reducing the amount of plastic in packaging or creating more sustainable packages, a majority of consumer packaging is plastic. A team from Georgia Institute of Technology want to add to the growing list of sustainable alternatives with a new type of flexible plastic packaging. 

The new synthetic creation would use a material taken from crab shells and tree fibers that could form a plastic-like substance. Chitin -- a fibrous substance -- forms a major part of an arthropod's exoskeleton. Tree cellulose could also be a much more sustainable and easily recyclable alternative. In order to create the packaging, reserachers sprayed multiple layers of chitin and cellulose togehter to form a flexible film that rivals popular plastic packaging wraps.

(Via: https://interestingengineering.com/new-flexible-packaging-uses-crab-shells-and-trees-instead-of-plastic)

Sustainable living is the only way to preserve life on earth. It isn’t always easy but it does not mean it is not doable. It takes more effort than usual and a brave heart to go about changes that aren’t popular mainstream. Using brown paper bags or bringing your own bag when shopping is no longer enough. What we need are bolder actions that can bring about a much bigger and better change for all.

The discovery of this plastic-like substance is huge news because of its potential in replacing the use of plastic in a lot of things without sacrificing quality. It can even be seen as a possible replacement for plastics used in vending machines. Think about how many cities now have vending machines and that is how big its impact will be over time.

That means identifying certain species of tree like the honey locust and mulberry and trimming them into usable pieces. The zoo also uses other tree waste in other parts of the zoo. The rhinos, for instance, like to rub against big logs.

"We put word out that we could use some hollow logs and the next thing you know 12 hollow logs show up," Strode said.

Ameren tends to 6,800 miles of electrical lines in Illinois. Trees falling on power lines is the number one cause of outages, said Tucker Kennedy, Ameren's director of community and public relations.

(Via: https://www.pantagraph.com/news/state-and-regional/hungry-giraffes-snack-on-problem-tree-limbs/article_79059e60-fa2b-5e13-b518-bf9aff328c0f.html)

It will take a while for this plastic-like substance to be commercially available. We should still exhaust other efforts to slow down the degrading of our planet. Another good idea is the feeding of unusable trees to animals that otherwise would only pose a problem or a threat to people. Rather than seeing them rotting and not being used, these trees can feed hungry animals like giraffes, rhinos and other wild animals at zoos. These trees include the honey locust and mulberry trees and other trees that feel off on its own and end up blocking roads or damaging homes and properties.

You don’t always have to do things extraordinarily to make a big difference in this world. What matters is your intentions are nice and you make an effort to do things differently than the common practice that is extremely damaging to the environment. If you do face a problem such as overgrown trees in your yard, let a professional like https://www.allcleartree.com/trimming do it and ask them how you can make something useful out of this tree trimmings so it does not entirely go to waste like how those trees were fed to zoo animals in the above article.

Trees Make All The Difference Find more on: ACTS

source https://www.allcleartree.com/trees-make-all-the-difference/

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Why Transplanting Trees Makes Sense

When you think about it, trees have been on the planet far longer than us humans. They have witnessed how the world has evolved and they are still here until today although their numbers are fast depleting. Irresponsible and often illegal human activities lead to massive deforestation that is gradually changing the planet’s landscape. We can’t afford to lose any more trees as they provide us with oxygen which humans need the most in order to survive. Aside from that, trees are also a great resource for a variety of things we now use in our daily lives from furniture to the food we eat.

Increasing urbanization requires more space for buildings, residential lots, and for commercial infrastructures. Cities are getting bigger and it means clearing out more space in the suburbs and even in farther places to accommodate progress in itself. As a result, trees have to be cut to give the space that builders need. But rather than cutting them down and disposing of these cut-down trees like trash, why not have them transplanted instead. This will take more planning and preparation than usual but it means saving hundreds to thousands of trees that take years to grow but gone in an instant because we want more space for our growing population.

Over 5,000 trees are proposed to be cut in various areas of south Mumbai to pave way for the Colaba-Bandra-SEEPZ Metro line III project.

The committee was today informed by one of the petitioners, Zoru Bathena, that till June this year, around 800 trees have been uprooted and transplanted in various areas in suburban Mumbai, of which 583 trees have not shown any signs of survival.

The committee sought to know from MMRCL what steps it was taking to ensure that the trees survive and what measures it would take while transplanting the uprooted trees.

(Via: https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/take-utmost-care-to-ensure-transplanted-trees-survive-hc-to-118070501038_1.html)

Not only in the US but also in other countries, deforestation is a big problem but the locals are stepping up to protect nature from suffering too much. Transplanting is one of the solutions they have identified. The trees may need to give way to modernization but they still find a new home somewhere. It is not yet the end for them and they continue to nurture human life in its own little ways. In this case, trees are cut to enhance the existing transportation system but citizens are adamant that trees be transplanted so it is a win-win case for both sides.

Green activists won praise from local residents for successfully transplanting uprooted trees in the port township despite the authorities turning a blind eye to the issue.

"Two banyan trees were uprooted near Madhuban three days ago following a nor'wester. We waited two days for government agencies to either remove the uprooted trees or transplant those. But they turned a blind eye. Later, we resolved to give the trees a new life by transplanting those," said a green activist Ayashkant Ray.

"We managed to save six uprooted trees by transplanting those in the past and that experience came in handy. We mobilised excavators and manpower, and have formed a group of youngsters to protect the town's green cover," he said.

(Via: https://www.telegraphindia.com/states/odisha/residents-save-trees-246131)

At times, it takes brave individuals to make such drastic actions like these even if the local government does nothing about it. The balance in the world must be maintained. We can’t just keep on pushing for progress when the environment suffers. Kudos to people who go the extra mile in saving as many trees as they can from death and ensuring they survive in their new home. It is a collaborative effort that can’t be done by one person alone. If ever you come across a similar problem in your community, the same thing can also be done so nothing is really compromised in our quest for a better and more modern life.

Not all the time, though, your tree needs to be cut. If certain branches cause a problem, have them trimmed by experts like https://www.allcleartree.com/trimming rather than have the entire tree cut down. Your home will need the extra shade, after all, with the summer season in full swing and the heat sure to make living these days doubly challenging.

Why Transplanting Trees Makes Sense was initially published on www.allcleartree.com

source https://www.allcleartree.com/423f907058a0277fb0318ca45753640366c3d8096e43c2275d4149671d48e938category423f907058a0277fb0318ca45753640366c3d8096e43c2275d4149671d48e938/423f907058a0277fb0318ca45753640366c3d8096e43c2275d4149671d48e938postname423f907058a0277fb0318ca45753640366c3d8096e43c2275d4149671d48e938

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Help Your Trees Survive Summer

Trees can take care of its own business. They flourished and filled the planet for centuries and they had no problem with that. At times, it was difficult because of natural disasters and seasonal changes. Some trees die and the stronger one survives. It is the cycle of life. If you care about the environment, then you should do something about it. If you don’t think anything about it yet, then now is the best time to do so seeing how big of a problem global warming and climate change has become. They are now sad realities of our times that endangers the survival of our species in the coming years.

How can we prevent such a grim scenario to happen? Simple. Plant trees. If you can’t, at least make it possible for existing trees to survive the harsh elements especially the skyrocketing temperatures this summer. You yourself can feel the heat but you have modern facilities and equipment to make your life bearable. Think of air conditioning, fans, and all the cool food you can eat at a time. But plants and trees don’t have that comfort since they are exposed to the heat of the sun. They may wilt and die if you fail to take care of it diligently all summer long.

Summer temps can be hard on trees, especially landscape trees in our urban areas. Signs of tree stress caused by lack of water — including dead leaves and leaf wilt — are already observable in many Oregon communities.

When trees aren't well-watered, prolonged drought eventually makes them more susceptible to problems caused by insect and disease — and consequently, a shorter life span.

Here are a few tips for keeping your trees healthy despite the heat.

Symptoms of drought

One of the first signs that a deciduous tree (a tree that loses its leaves in the winter) needs water is that its leaves begin to look dull and limp. More advanced symptoms of needing water are browning of leaves, wilting, and curling at the edges.

(Via: https://portlandtribune.com/sl/401529-297794-its-summer-time-to-deeply-water-your-trees)

Water is crucial to a tree’s survival. Having too much sunlight will not do them good this time with the temperature shooting up the roof. The only way they can outlive the hot summer months is if you regularly water them. Don’t wait for the leaves to turn yellow and brown or even for them to fall to the ground. Not only that but insects can also make their survival even more difficult and worsen the stress they have to endure all summer long.

Improve growing conditions. During drought, supplemental watering can reduce the impact of stress.

Mulching with a 2-inch deep layer of shredded hardwood from the trunk out to the dripline -- outer most branch tips -- can be a great help. Yes, that could be a big brown circle in your yard, but that is what tree experts -- certified arborists -- recommend. Mulch also prevents lawn mower and string trimmer damage to the trunk, lowers soil temperature and adds nutrients to the soil as it decomposes. Some experts advocate applying a thin layer of compost in the same manner, in hopes of increasing beneficial soil microbes that live symbiotically with tree roots.

(Via: https://www.theeagle.com/news/gardening/charla_anthony/cool-plants-for-hot-times-tree-problems/article_98c4e189-7537-5d18-ba4a-e0a73da8ac01.html)

Even the way you water the trees also matter. Shallow watering likewise results in shallow rooting. Trees with shallow roots won’t be able to grow well as it can lead to future problems. Moreover, shallow watering means the tree isn’t receiving enough water. The soil has to be saturated to ensure that the water can reach deeper into the roots and really feed and nourish the plant well. Watering also depends on the type of trees grown, so you have to do your research prior to planting so you know how to care for your tree while it grows. The planet needs more trees if only to halt the rapid progress of global warming that is a threat to us all. But in case your tree is suffering from the heat, you can have it trimmed by professionals like http://www.allcleartree.com/trimming rather than risk the health of the entire tree. Better have the branches cut short then because trimming is still considered part of taking care of your tree after all.

Help Your Trees Survive Summer Read more on: The All Clear Tree Service Blog

source https://www.allcleartree.com/trimming/help-your-trees-survive-summer

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Learn How To Grow Trees On Your Own

Trees don’t only grow in the forest. Having trees at home or in your neighborhood is also a good idea since they not only provide shade but can improve the overall environment as well. There are a lot of things you can do with trees and not only that, they help sustain the planet making it more livable for us since we depend so highly on it for life-giving oxygen. Trees also serve many purposes but we often take it for granted thinking that trees can grow well on their own even without human help. Well, it used to be but with rapid urbanization and increasing demand to meet human needs, more trees fall rather than the ones growing tall and proud.

Hence, you must do your part in making the world a little greener and more livable especially for the future generations. You don’t always need to have a green thumb in order to plant and grow one, though. Just as long as you know the basics and is likewise knowledgeable about what to avoid, you can grow one, two, or even more trees in your own yard as long as you have enough space for it. The world is a much better place if we’ll have more trees then rather than skyscrapers.

Big beautiful, healthy trees. That's the goal. One of the first things you need to do with your tree, is to check for weeds along the base.

"You want to think about weed control," says John Fech, with the Nebraska Extension office. "They are moisture robbers and nutrient robbers. So pull weeds in those areas and apply wood chip type mulch. Some people want to add rock, that adds heat."

Fech says to lose the rock. Mulch is better and holds in moisture. It also helps the soil when it degrades. Another mistake we make is watering.

"The goal is to have moist soil, not soggy, not dry," says Fech. "We have a lot of clients who want to overdo it."

Fech says to also take time to look at your trees and inspect them.

(Via: https://www.ketv.com/article/tips-to-help-trees-thrive/22126263)

Trees need to be taken cared of as well for them to grow big and outgrow the spot where you initially planted it. But first, you must ensure there aren’t any weeds robbing it of important nutrients that are crucial for its growth. Its growth will be stunted if something else is eating up its food. So, get your hands dirty and pull out all weeds you can see to ensure the tree you just planted grows as it should be. It may sound simple and easy to do but not all the time you’ll have the energy to do some weed pulling nor will the weather always cooperate.

Agricultural chemicals — especially herbicides or weed killers — can cause serious problems with trees, most often because of the common misconception that “if a little is good, a lot will be better.” Proper use of any pesticide includes strict adherence to recommendations given on the label.

Herbicides mixed with turf fertilizer for weed control in lawns can cause injury when such combinations are used to close to trees or heavy rains wash them into the root zone of trees and shrubs. Read the label to determine just how close the material can be applied to woody plants.

Pruning trees helps by removing diseased, dying or injured tissue, but it can increase the chances of disease and decay if done improperly. When pruning, make all cuts close to the main branch or trunk, although not so close that the slight flare at the branch’s base is removed. Retaining this flare improves the healing of the wound. Tree wound dressings are no longer recommended. Dying branches should be promptly removed.

(Via: https://www.centredaily.com/living/home-garden/article215038555.html)

Even when pruning or gardening, some equipment can inadvertently damage your tree so you need to exercise caution when moving around. You also have to consider the changing of the seasons because it has a big impact on their growth too. You’ll be surprised at how many things you should not be doing when growing a tree that you aren’t aware of before. The above article will enlighten you on many of those things, so you can avoid damaging a tree you just planted and give it the chance to grow as big and as tall as it can be. However, you may also require tree removal services like https://www.allcleartree.com/removal for older trees that have become a threat to your home to give all the space your new tree needs.

The post Learn How To Grow Trees On Your Own was initially seen on http://www.allcleartree.com/

source https://www.allcleartree.com/removal/learn-how-to-grow-trees-on-your-own

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Trees Need Our Help

The world is evolving and there are rapid changes happening on the planet that aren’t always visible to the public eye. It is why many are always caught off guard by these drastic changes because we have been too busy with the trivial things in life we lose foresight on a lot of things that also matter, one of which is nature. The trees and plants around us give us life and also sustain it. They have been around since forever and is perhaps the reason why many of us take it for granted. Unfortunately, they have also been gravely affected by the burgeoning human population and the apparent misuse and abuse of natural resources.

It is about time we pay back Mother Nature for our wrongdoings and help it recover. Nature’s recovery is also crucial to our own survival as a species. It can start with little acts such as planting trees or preventing tree felling that is the reason for massive deforestation in various parts of the globe. We can’t just thrive in technology. We need trees as well even if we don’t always see their worth in our lives. Any tree-planting initiative can go a long way in making life sustainable in the long run. Children should be taught about the importance of trees as well because their survival also depends on nature’s survival. If they fail to grasp its value while they are young, they may adopt bad habits that can worsen the existing situation making it more difficult for them to lead normal lives someday.

Sujit Mahapatra, who started the initiative, said back in 2009 when the campaign was started volunteers wanted to do something to stop the rapid felling of trees.

"It was realised that even through many trees were planted most of them couldn't survive due to lack of care after the plantation. Moreover, efforts to plant trees and save the planet had no impact," he said.

So, the volunteers came up with the idea of promoting planting and gifting trees.

"The campaign aims to establish a personal relationship with plants which happens when one plants or gifts trees on occasions such as child birth, birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. Once, there is a personal association with plants and one sees the plants having new leaves and flowers, a person is attached to it. Moreover, while gifting a plant a powerful message on the importance of trees is send across," he said.

(Via: https://www.telegraphindia.com/states/odisha/campaign-to-save-trees-246138)

If the situation calls for it, felling trees may actually make sense especially if their presence poses a threat or danger to human lives or properties. However, some intentional cut trees for a profit and this is the biggest threat so far to all the trees in the world. Aside from that, natural calamities may also endanger old trees especially if the wind is too strong and they eventually get uprooted. Not only that, trees that are out in the open don’t get the attention they need and often die because of lack of care especially when the elements are too harsh.

A number of green activists and citizens protested on July 14, demanding withdrawal of the plan to fell about 1,400 trees in Gurugram to expand a road at the Atul Kataria Chowk and build an auditorium in Sector 4. They contended that there was no need for a flyover and an underpass in the area and traffic could be streamlined with some minor changes. Haryana forest and PWD minister Rao Narbir Singh, has however, reiterated that trees will have to make way for a wider road to ease traffic jams, and that the lost tree cover could always be compensated for by planting more trees.

In an interview with HT on Sunday, Singh spoke about the need for felling trees and the importance of people’s participation to increase the green cover of Gurugram and the state.

(Via: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/trees-felling-must-for-development-says-haryana-s-forest-minister-rao-narbir-singh/story-VpIKGqq7AoqmxbxdVJhdRN.html)

There are individuals who dedicate their lives to protecting nature even if it means going against the crowd and doing a lot of unimaginable things on your own. But these people are instrumental in making big changes because it can trigger a positive effect on others and encourage them to pitch in and make an effort into helping nature heal and recover. And trees are synonymous with nature, right? It gives off life-sustaining oxygen that is crucial for human life.

Making a big noise about preserving life, planting trees, and preventing more trees from being cut down without a reason should be a concern by all of us. But in case one is already down and must be cleared right away, so better hire professional like http://www.allcleartree.com/stump-removal to do it for you safely and properly. It is also our responsibility to take care of the planet where we live in because it is the only place we call home.

The following blog post Trees Need Our Help was initially published to http://www.allcleartree.com/

source https://www.allcleartree.com/removal/trees-need-our-help

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Tree Planting Needed Now More Than Ever

The planet has a new face now: sprawling urban landscapes and commercial cities that features tall skyscrapers and many other artificial edifices that define modern living. We may see a few plants here and there in an effort of some establishments to maintain an environment-friendly image but it is rare to see a thriving natural environment in the heart of the city. Even out there in rural areas, the forests aren’t as alive as it once was and quite balding too. Trees are growing far in between and the local wildlife also tries their best to adapt to the changing landscape. Since climate change is now considered a pressing issue by the majority of the world’s population and governments all over the world make a conscious effort in addressing the problem while we still have time to act on it.

Both public and private organizations help one another in trying to address deforestation issues. Even in third-world countries that are plagued by a greater deal of political, social, and economic issues, they understand that they have more to lose if they don’t do something about the majority of the climate-related problems we now face. They have fewer resources than progressive nations and what they lack in funding for innovative studies and research to find the solution to climate change, they can do something more practical and tangible that won’t require as many resources: plant trees. Yes, literally planting trees may be a simple solution but it is definitely one of the most effective solutions we can come up with to deter climate change from progressing.

Climate change and human activity is devastating areas of Morocco's forest ecosystems, where forests cover more than 90,000 square kilometres, which is nearly 13% of the country.

Tree cover loss in Morocco stood at 31,724 hectares between 2001-2016, while gain lagged behind at 19,541 over the same period, according to statistics from Global Forest Watch.

To counter this, the Moroccan government announced a partnership with civil society groups to plant 800,000 trees across the North African country by 2024.

By involving civil society and local groups in their plan, the government hopes to plant the seeds of change to help communities understand the effects of deforestation and prevent its spread.

(Via: https://www.trtworld.com/africa/morocco-launches-tree-planting-programme-to-reduce-deforestation-13349)

If we look at the bigger picture, the Earth is just but a shadow of the lush planet that it once was. Gone were the wide forests thriving with plant-life and animal life. Trees not only die on their own because of climate change and wildfire, for instance, but also because humans cut it through illegal logging and for a variety of reasons such as the expansion of residential, agricultural, and commercial areas. Seeing how extensive the damage is, it only makes sense why a public-private partnership is a must and we should commend nations like Morocco that does its part in saving the planet from the mess it is in now.

DFCC Bank embarked on far-reaching tree planting sustainability measures during the current year which have been commended by Reforest Sri Lanka, with whom the Bank collaborated to plant endemic and native species of trees. A non-profit society committed to protect and extend the forest cover in Sri Lanka, Reforest Sri Lanka has specifically mentioned the extensive commitment of funds and volunteers that DFCC Bank has committed to this cause. This project was conducted as part of the commemorative staff tree-planting campaign launched this year to reforest key areas across the island, whilst giving back to society at large. In this campaign, a tree is planted to celebrate each and every staff member’s birthday for which they receive a personalized invitation to attend the tree-planting campaign with their families. An e-tree-dedication certificate providing the link to the exact location on Google maps where the tree was planted is sent to them. All staff members are also invited to attend these campaigns and are encouraged to participate with their families.  

(Via: http://www.dailymirror.lk/article/DFCC-Bank-s-tree-planting-efforts-get-special-recognition-142240.html)

If we continue these reforestation efforts, we may have a shot in increasing our chances of minimizing the negative impacts of climate change and make the planet a little more hospitable for human life and to all the living organisms that call this world its home. We can all take inspiration from these tree-planting initiatives of less progressive nations like Morocco and Sri Lanka. If they can do it, there is no reason why a country more powerful and richer like the US can’t fill its land with trees and plants considering it has one of the highest carbon emissions on land.

If we are having issues with trees in our neighborhood, let’s not act rashly and decide on cutting it when a little trimming can solve the problem for you. Contact http://www.allcleartree.com/trimming for assistance in trimming trees that we so badly need in keeping carbon levels from getting too high that we’ll start having trouble with merely surviving.

Tree Planting Needed Now More Than Ever was first seen on All Clear Tree Service's Blog

source http://www.allcleartree.com/trimming/tree-planting-needed-now-ever

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Trees Are Dying ‘Coz Of Climate Change

Not only humans suffer from climate change, other living things on this planet also suffer and endure the negative impact of global warming and climate change even if they have nothing to do with its hastening progress. Trees are silent and imposing figures in our environment but you might be surprised how much they likewise suffer, get hurt and even die because the severe changes in our environment and weather systems are so sudden and drastic that they sometimes fail to adapt and it can cost them their lives as well without us humans really knowing or maybe we simply just do not care. However, the statistics do not lie. There are countless tree casualties as climate change become a reality of our modern times and we experience one terrible disaster after another.

Our planet is becoming more and more inhospitable as the years go by and it is evident with the number of trees dying at an alarming rate. The hot temperature in itself makes the trees weaker and the accompanying long periods of drought continuously deprive them of the water they need to stay hydrated and healthy. It’s a sad reality in different parts of the country. Forests are filled with either dying or dead trees but it seems that this crisis is far from over as droughts are only expected to worsen and go on for long as the planet continues to get warmer.

Ponderosa pine and pinyon forests in the American West will die at an increasing rate as the world grows warmer, becoming less and less resilient when they are weakened by higher temperatures, according to new projections.

Although these forests now withstand short droughts, warming temperatures increasingly stress the forests, which means they will no longer survive the shorter droughts they once endured.

And future droughts will be hotter as the planet warms.

“We’re saying that if the climate warms a little more, things don’t get a little different, they get very different,” said Henry Adams, a plant biologist at Oklahoma State University and lead author of a new paper, published in Environmental Research Letters in a special edition of the journal titled “Focus on Tree Mortality in a Warming World.” “You get an acceleration in the rate of mortality.

(Via: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/11/science/trees-climate-die-offs-west.html)

Trees are suffering in silence because of negligent and abusive human behaviors that have accumulated over a short span of time. This phenomenon of trees dying because of global warming is not just happening in the United States but in different parts of the globe and it has been going on for decades. The changes we are seeing now are happening far quicker than they did in the past. It is just proof of how much damage we have incurred to the environment. The trees outside your homes are not the only ones at risk. Entire forest ecosystems struggle and the consequences are more life-changing. As we lose more trees and valuable rainforests and the wild that is the cradle of millions of species of organisms on the planet, our very existence is also threatened and is highly compromised and we have to act now before it is too late.

“The number of dead and dying trees has continued to rise, along with the risks to communities and firefighters if a wildfire breaks out in these areas,” said Randy Moore, Regional Forester of the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region. “It is apparent from our survey flights this year that California’s trees have not yet recovered from the drought, and remain vulnerable to beetle attacks and increased wildfire threat. The Forest Service will continue to focus on mitigating hazard trees and thinning overly dense forests so they are healthier and better able to survive stressors like this in the future.”

As Christmas fast approaches in the mountain area, it begs to ask if this season’s moisture will be of any help. About town, you can hear the buzz of worried citizens asking when the rain will come.

Their worry is rational.

(Via: http://www.sierrastar.com/news/local/article189253274.html)

Not only are extreme weather the only thing that poses a big threat to trees and the wildlife but random bizarre acts of nature like wildfires can quickly engulf acres upon acres of grassland, trees, rainforests, and even rural communities. The thing is we need more trees now than ever as our carbon output far exceeds what can only be tolerated by nature. These excess carbon emissions are trapped in the atmosphere that in turn contributes to the warming of the planet and the worsening of climate change, a terrible cycle to be in right now but is also our own doing, so we have no one else to blame for it.

In the rare case a tree needs to be uprooted because its presence endangers the lives of the people around it and surrounding properties especially in progressive cities and urban areas, then that’s when you should consider removing a tree but it should always be done by a professional. http://www.allcleartree.com/removal can help you with it or other related services that involve trees in general, so don’t hesitate to contact them for help.

Trees Are Dying ‘Coz Of Climate Change is courtesy of http://www.allcleartree.com/

source http://www.allcleartree.com/removal/trees-dying-coz-climate-change

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Trees Don’t Stand A Chance From Bark Beetles

We know that the forest ecosystem or virtually anywhere in the outdoors is home to thousands if not millions of organisms both visible and not visible to the naked eye. In a single tree, there are numerous organisms that live there and depend on it for survival. Unfortunately, not all the time the relationship is symbiotic or beneficial for both. For example, bark beetles have overtaken millions of trees in California and have resulted in the demise of these trees. It truly is unfortunate and really sad news but these things happen especially when there are severe weather changes. In this case, a severe drought is affecting California and the change in the season did little in improving the situation. Millions of trees have already perished and much more are in danger of dying next.

What is all the fuss about bark beetles? I’m sure not all of you are well-versed on the different insects that thrive in the world. We probably could only name a few and remain clueless about the millions and billions more that live under our radar. Some gain recognition because of instances like this, for instance. Along with bark beetles, the widespread wildfire in certain parts of the state does not help either and has wiped out acres upon acres of trees. Pine trees, in particular, are the most widely affected by bark trees. It is such an irony because pines are more in-demand at this time of the year when many families are eager to buy their own real Christmas tree in celebration of the holiday season.

The number of trees killed by bark beetles and severe drought in California reached a new high in the latest count, but foresters say a few more wet and cold winters like last year’s would make a big difference toward restoring forest health.

An additional 27 million trees have died throughout California since November 2016, bringing the total number of dead trees to 129 million on 8.9 million acres, the Forest Service said this week in a joint statement with Cal Fire.

“The number of dead and dying trees has continued to rise, along with the risks to communities and firefighters if a wildfire breaks out in these areas,” said Randy Moore, regional forester for the Pacific Southwest Region. “It is apparent from our survey flights this year that California’s trees have not yet recovered from the drought and remain vulnerable to beetle attacks and increased wildfire threat.”

(Via: http://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/article189641729.html)

Rain can definitely help turn the situation from going to worst from worse. There’s nothing more you can do from a felled tree because of a bark beetle infestation. These trees usually turn blue and harden from fungus rendering it next to useless even if it looks fine structurally. Trees aren’t just vulnerable to bark beetles because there are much more that can threaten their existence. Trees weaken and die while the countless beetle populations are getting healthier and healthier by the minute. If you have a tree in your yard, contact experts like http://www.allcleartree.com/trimming at the first sign of a possible insect infestation so they don’t get worse. You not only save your tree from its premature demise but save the neighboring trees as well from getting infested.

To date, the Tree Mortality Task Force have collectively felled 860,000 trees, 480,000 were removed by the Forest Service. Of the 480,000 trees felled by the Forest Service 258,787 have been removed from the Sierra National Forest alone.

The dead trees continue to pose a hazard to people and critical infrastructure, mostly centered in the central and southern Sierra Nevada region of the state.

The focus of tree removal has been primarly for immediate threats to public safety in a sort of triage response. It is acknowledged by officials that more work and funding is needed ahead.

(Via: http://www.sierrastar.com/news/local/article189253274.html)

Since the problem is so widespread, it needs the collective effort of the related agencies and the support from the federal government to address the issue. We need as many healthy and standing trees out there to help us combat the rapid progression of climate change that poses a bigger threat to these trees including us. More often than not, whatever we see in our environment is just the result of our habits and us humans are the ones who are mainly responsible for all the major changes happening in the world right now. Insect infestations have been there for ages but trees have survived since then but the mere act of surviving is even more difficult for them now with everything in the environment acting as stressors to their very existence.

Trees Don’t Stand A Chance From Bark Beetles is republished from allcleartree.com

source http://www.allcleartree.com/trimming/trees-dont-stand-chance-bark-beetles

Friday, 13 April 2018

Trees Weather Ice Storms This Winter

Most people stay indoors once the winter season starts. Nobody in their right mind would prefer to stay outdoors for long aside for a few minutes to an hour or two of frolicking and playing in the snow but other than not would be considered rather foolish. You can easily get sick if you are overexposed to the cold. Even animals hibernate or shy away from the snow unless you are really furry and don’t mind the extremely low temperature. What many of us don’t notice is how plants react to this change in season. We all know that trees start shedding leaves and changing colors at the onset of fall. However, the rapid progression of climate change these days is doing more damage to forest trees than they usually had to endure each winter in the past. Weather events worsen such as ice storms that can take its toll on the plant life out in the great outdoors.

Now that winter has come, just what do trees have to endure? During ice storms, tree limbs can get frozen and the heavy weight of the ice can be destructive and cause these tree limbs, or if unfortunate enough, the tree itself, break off and fall. It is even more damaging if there are human properties like vehicles or a part of the house under these frozen trees as they may receive the impact and end up damaged too. It is a reality many homeowners living in the northern part of the US and in Canada since they experience a real cold and snowy winter. People can even get killed if they happen to be right under these frozen trees at the time they take the fall and they usually get killed in an instant. It has happened before and may happen now with climate change making natural weather phenomena act up and becoming more destructive than they already were.

But scientists still don’t know the long-term impact of ice storms on forests. “Our forests are tremendously resilient,” said Rustad, an ecologist with USDA’s Forest Service. “We think they can recover from a light icing, but extreme icing or repeat icing might exceed their capacity to recover.”

Forests are very valuable in the fight against climate change. An intact forest acts as a carbon “sink,” absorbing huge amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. But when trees are crippled by a severe ice storm — and branches topple — the damage depletes carbon stores, and makes it more difficult for the trees to take in carbon. It also hampers the trees’ ability to repair themselves. “Trees can’t take up as much carbon and they lose what they have stored,” Rustad said. “The impact of these extreme events reduces the vigor of trees, threatens their mortality, and weakens their effectiveness as a carbon sink.”

(Via: https://www.popsci.com/climate-change-tree-ice-storm#page-2)

In reality, the forest and all the plant and tree life in it knew how to deal with weather changes since time immemorial. But because humans have been so greedy and triggered the premature onset of climate change, even the natural resiliency of the entire forest life is being tested. Experts even notice that they now struggle to recover because of continuous heavy snowing and icing and it spells bad news for all of us knowing how much trees help in taking in carbon and consequently releasing oxygen making it possible for life to prosper in the planet.

"Trees have a certain amount of stored carbon," she says. "With one icing, they have enough reserves to re-foliate and recover."

But back-to-back severe icing events can be devastating to a forest's carbon reserves. Climate change scientists forecast that ice events will increase in frequency.

Still, Rustad is hopeful about forests, and the ability of science to influence policy.

"Our forests are tremendously resilient," Rustad asserts. "I grew up in the days of acid rain. So scientists embarked on a couple decades of exhaustive research and we passed the Clean Air Act, and reduced sulfur emissions by 80%."

(Via: https://phys.org/news/2017-12-trees-impact-ice-storms-climate.html)

While ice storms happen naturally to places that snows during winter, it has gotten worse and worse in the midst of climate change. Let this be a lesson to us to be more conscious and cautious of our actions since it is not only us who are affected by its negative consequences but every living thing on the planet. For instance, we may see trees as tall and imposing objects in our environment but they live and breathe too and they suffer alongside us from the elements. We are actually a little better off as we can hide in the comfort of our modern homes but trees can’t go anywhere and have to endure whatever nature throws at them all year round.

When trees pose a threat to our existence and we see them already beyond help, it makes more sense to have these trees removed. However, let the experts do it and refrain from doing it yourself because there are a lot of considerations that you need to be mindful of so contact http://www.allcleartree.com/removal for help before anything untoward happens to you, your home, or any of your properties.

The following blog article Trees Weather Ice Storms This Winter is republished from AllClearTree.com

source http://www.allcleartree.com/removal/trees-weather-ice-storms-winter