Saturday, 24 June 2017

Trees Get Sick Too

Can you remember the last time you were ill? It’s not exactly the best feeling in the world, right? Not only do you look and feel sick but you also miss out on a lot of things at school or at work because we are too sick to even get out of bed. While we dread the onslaught of sickness, they are at times necessary for our body to rest and recuperate. We usually get sick because our immunity went down. When that happens, it takes some time for our body to be back in fighting form with the help of enough sleep, rest, liquids, fruits, and medicines.

We generally think of illness as something that only affects human and animals, it actually comes as a surprise to some that other living things like plants and trees get sick too. And like humans that look sick when they are, you can easily spot a diseased tree too with a trained eye.

Another Torbay woodland is to lose hundreds of its mature trees as a tree disease spreads across the bay's beauty spots. Just a few weeks after more than 1,500 trees were cut down at the Grove on the outskirts of Brixham, hundreds more will go at Occombe Woods in Paignton.

The Forestry Commission have served Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust with notice to fell up to 400 diseased larch trees in an area between Preston Down Road and Occombe Valley Road known as the East Down Plantation.

A similar felling operation carried out at the Grove (below) has left the landscape devastated. Tree felling work has seen wooded areas disappear across Torbay in recent years.The most high profile being the controversial 'natural regeneration' at Churston Woods which saw 1,500 trees come down over the last few months.


We feel for trees that can’t speak and tell us how bad they feel when they succumb to illness. Experts consider a tree sick if it isn’t deemed to survive the next five years or so by measuring the size of the living crown in relation to the bole’s size. A tree will gradually die if only a few leaves are left on a tree with a large bole because it won’t be able to nourish all the tree tissues for nourishment and maintenance. Yellowing of the leaves is also another common symptom along with visible dead tree branches.

Trees are an asset to any community and the people of Vermillion are lucky enough to have trees lining streets and scattered throughout public parks.

Unfortunately, the trees in Vermillion are beginning to show their age and reaching the end of their lifespan. Many are being cut down or destroyed by natural circumstances and are not being replaced.

“We are losing a lot of trees in this town and if you look at little farther, you don’t see anything new being planted,” said Clarence Pederson, a Vermillion resident and member of the Vermillion Tree Board. “I see that Vermillion is a neat looking place. We have a lot of old trees and one of the things that makes it a nice looking place is the fact that we have big old trees, but the fact is they are old.”

Saying that none of the trees are being replaced may be a bit of an exaggeration, Pederson admits, noting that some are being replaced by the city in the public parks. Not enough are being replanted, however, to make up for lost inventory.

A typical lifespan for a tree in Vermillion is 60 years with the potential to survive longer, but most are threatened with the possibility of storm damage and disease. Currently, the biggest threat to the trees in Vermillion is emerald ash borer disease threating the ash trees. Ash trees were planted in response to Dutch elm disease which destroyed the elm trees.


There are trees that have been around for ages and it pains us to see them succumb to illness after providing us shelter and shade for years. However, that’s how life goes. They adapt and their leaves change color with the passing of the season and we witness first hand how resilience they are but a tree disease can easily take the life out of them just like that. So, once it becomes too sick and can no longer be saved, tree removal is the next logical choice especially if there are nearby trees that you don’t want to get infected too. Check this out and seek the help of a professional tree removal service company to ensure all dead parts of the diseased tree are removed and the other plants and trees in the area stay healthy and strong for years.

Trees Get Sick Too is courtesy of


Saturday, 17 June 2017

Are Trees The Answer To Climate Change?

Major changes are happening to the planet at a rapid level. Rainforests are receding, the sea level is rising, the planet is warming, and so much more. Unfortunately, most of these changes are not good ones and especially not good to us and every other living being on earth. Natural calamities have gotten stronger and more disastrous than ever. Add to that the growing threat of human conflicts that make life on earth a living hell.

Amidst all these changes, most people feel helpless and vulnerable. The truth is, we can make a difference in this world in our own little ways. Simple lifestyle changes can have a big impact to how fast climate change is progressing, which is the biggest natural threat we are experiencing nowadays. Trees can also help reduce global warming by removing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the air for the people to breathe. Without trees, we would be stuck as a planet.

Can we use trees and other plants as a weapon in the fight against climate change? Earth's greenery comes with natural carbon-capturing abilities, but now several studies are investigating how to tweak those tendencies to have a maximum impact on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.In 2014, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change announced that plants would have to be a major part of the world’s efforts to capture CO2. The idea would be to have trees and grasses suck up CO2as they grow, then burn or process them into fuels to generate power while capturing any CO2 produced along the way. This process is known as “bioenergy plus carbon capture and storage,” or BECCS.

We’re starting to see increasingly large tests of the technology roll out. The Washington Post, for instance, recently reported that a new large-scale trial in Decatur, Illinois, will process huge quantities of corn into ethanol, then grab the 1.1 million tons of CO2 created from fermentation each year and lock it away underground.


Experts are testing how trees can help in trapping and storing carbon in the trees and soil to lower the atmospheric CO₂ levels, so that we can benefit from it more than just the cool shade it provides us against the scorching heat of the sun.

Trees are good for us. Carbon dioxide is one of the major contributors to global warming and climate change. Trees trap carbon dioxide and “exhale” oxygen in return. A mature tree can absorb roughly 48 pounds of carbon dioxide a year, and in turn release enough oxygen to sustain two people.

Trees reduce runoff by storing water from rain. That makes a big difference in our rainy Northwest (45 inches of rain already since Oct. 1). Trees also absorb sound and reduce noise pollution. So if you live near a freeway, plant a couple of trees! If you want to cool off in the summer (whenever that comes), you will appreciate trees reducing the heat from streets and sidewalks.


Trees do the world a lot of good. It’s funny that man needs trees to live for various reasons while trees don’t need anything from us at all yet they are among the first to suffer the most from all the progress we aspire to achieve.

Typically, a tree absorbs as much as 48 pounds (21 kg) of carbon dioxide per year and can sequester 1 ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. The average North American generates about 20 tons of CO2-eq each year, which means every year you’d need to plant about 500 trees to offset your carbon footprint, that’s not taking into account the time it takes for a tree to mature and reach the optimal carbon-sinking age. If you’re a New Yorker and need to fly to Berlin, your seat is responsible for generating 10,285 pounds (4,675 kg) of CO2. Essentially, your 8.5-hour-long flight just offset roughly 223 trees. Kudos! If you think this isn’t fair, that’s just life for ‘ya because neither is digging up and burning billions of dead trees accumulated over millions of years which until not too long ago safely stayed miles beneath the ground. It’s no surprise that U.S. forests only capture 10 to 20 percent of the nation’s greenhouse emissions each year.

I somewhat digress because trees are definitely a go-to solution for tackling climate change, which is why scientists are trying to find out not only which are the best species that can handle rising temperatures and dwindling water, but what an idle forest might look like.


While experts are doing their best to come up with measures to reduce the effects of climate change or look for ways to slow down its progress, all of us still have a responsibility to pitch in and do our part. Even if we close down all factories or stop using anything that produces CO₂ from now on, it still won’t change anything in the atmosphere since its molecule is a very resilient one and can stay suspended in the air for up to two centuries.

With the help of trees, though, we can reduce CO₂ concentration around us and therefore halt the progression of climate change. It may be a very simple solution that has been staring us straight in the face for so long now but why is it that we continue cutting down trees and not plant enough in return?

There are only a handful of reasons why you’d possibly need a tree cut down and we’re not talking about doing it in a bigger scale. Just one or two that blocks your access or is proving to be a hazard in your community especially in urban cities. may be of help because they offer professional tree removal services when you need it the most.

The following post Are Trees The Answer To Climate Change? is republished from The All Clear Tree Service Blog


Saturday, 10 June 2017

Insects And Trees: Not Always A Good Match

We live in a world that is home to a wide variety of species that inhabits the land, air, and water. And because we share the same space most of the time, we must learn to coexist, albeit not always peacefully. Survival of the fittest and struggle for existence had always been the mantra in the wild.

Most insects live on and around trees. You can see it everywhere when you go out and commune with nature. However, there are also relationships that aren’t as talked about but are plenty in nature. Some may be symbiotic while most are parasitic in nature. For instance, insects living in trees and feeding on it can mean death for the latter. Fungi also can be dangerous.

A sparse forest is a common sight for this time of year. But in Mendon, the woods are looking more skeletal than usual.

"This tree died two years ago," Rutland City Forester Dave Schneider noted.

The tree is a red pine. And despite its name, it's a little more rustic red than usual. Schneider says the color and lack of limbs are a sign of a devastating disease.

"The branches turn orange, the needles turn orange and then die," Schneider said.

The trees are being attacked by an invasive insect called a red pine scale.

"The insect doesn't actually harm the tree that badly but it carries a fungus very similar to the Dutch elm disease," said Jeffrey Wennberg, commissioner of Rutland City Public Works.

About 100,000 trees are expected to be removed but the disease doesn't make them unprofitable. Schneider says almost all the trees will be sold.

"These trees aren't the most valuable in the forest but they do have certain markets for, particularly with the utility pole market," Schneider said.


It is disheartening to see big trees like pines go down because of a mere insect infestation especially when you have to cut them in their prime. However, when the infestation has been too much and several trees have been affected, cutting it down must be done to prevent the infestation from spreading, albeit with a heavy heart. These trees should also be treated to kill the insects before they get the chance to move to the next nearby tree.

A deadly insect that has killed hundreds of millions of ash trees across the East, a scourge that makes the cankerworm look pleasant, is edging toward Charlotte.

The emerald ash borer is an Asian beetle that was first spotted in North Carolina in 2013, in three counties near the Virginia line. The bug has invaded most eastern states, including Virginia and Tennessee, since it was first detected in the U.S. in 2002.

Experts compare the beetle’s lethal potential to the blight that wiped out chestnut trees a century ago and to the insect that is now steadily killing hemlocks across the Southern Appalachian mountains.


All over the world, trees are always threatened by insect infestation. While we don’t usually hear it over the news, countless trees succumb to these little critters day in and day out. Some trees actually have some sort of defense system in place against insects like sap or releases toxins that are hard for the insects to digest. But despite the tree’s best effort, insects are still out to get them.

If you’re an ash tree, here’s some friendly advice.

Get out of town. Fast.

An Asian beetle is munching its way across the Northeast and it’s only a matter of time before it stops in Morristown for a bite, town Forester Richard Wolowicz told the town council on Tuesday.

The Emerald Ash Borer spells certain doom for ash trees: Nearly all of America’s estimated 7.5 billion ash trees will die as this pest advances, according to Wolowicz. Already, an estimated 50 million of these trees have been killed in the Northeast.

By comparison, Dutch Elm Disease took an estimated 75- to 100 million elm trees in the U.S.

Humans can be harmed, too — by branches falling from ash trees that become brittle after the Emerald Ash Borer kills them, the forester said.


Trees are an essential part of our natural ecosystem, so are insects. And the majority of insects happen to be herbivores. Unfortunately, insect infestations can not only damage trees but eventually kill them despite their innate natural defenses. We need trees for fresh air but insects also do play a part in life. Whenever possible, always be on the watch out for the presence of insects in your area especially if you have trees at home. A sudden growth in the insect population can mean the end for certain tree species.

For diseased trees that have been overpowered by insects, the only recourse for them is to have them cut down by professional tree removal services. can help you spruce up these trees and be assured that it will be done professionally. While some homeowners would rather tackle this task themselves to save money, you’d realize it would have been easier, safer and more practical to hire a pro to do this than do it yourself because of the risks involved, especially in the presence of infesting insects that can spread to other plants and trees if not taken cared of properly.

The blog post Insects And Trees: Not Always A Good Match was initially seen on ACTS Blog


Saturday, 3 June 2017

Trees Come To Our Aid

We try to find a use for something in our environment. We either use them for shelter, food, security or whatever we can think of. In our environment, trees are among the most useful resource to us. We use its wood in building homes, furniture, or other wood-related items we use in our daily life. Some fruit-bearing trees also give us fruits that we need for nourishment. Trees also provide us shade when it is hot outside but most importantly, trees provide us with oxygen that all living beings need to breathe and live.

There are other benefits of trees we aren’t aware of. Leaves that fall reduce the temperature of the soil and soil moisture loss. In itself, a tree is already an ecosystem that is home to certain birds and animals aside from also providing them nourishment. Just being with nature also helps us feel relaxed and calm especially when in the countryside or in parks.

“Getting your daily dose of trees is good for your health and easy to do,” said Jennifer Teegarden, DNR forestry outreach specialist. “You can climb a tree, go camping, sit under a tree, take a hike or visit a forest.”

To encourage people to get a daily dose of trees, the DNR is launching the #31DaysOfTrees challenge during Arbor Month. Simply post a photo or video while getting a daily dose of trees on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Use the hashtag #31DaysOfTrees and include @MinnesotaDNR when posting to Facebook. Participation will be tracked using hashtag #31DaysOfTrees.


Most communities today organize programs to raise awareness on certain causes. Advocacies on the benefits of trees are among those that are celebrated all over the globe because we need trees now more than ever. Imagine how hot it would be living in a world devoid of trees. However, little progress is made in tree planting especially in urban areas.

We really need to do a better job of planting the trees properly, and then, once they are planted, caring for them. One thing that’s come out of the large-scale tree plantings that were popular in the last decade is exactly that realization: that it’s not so much how many trees are given away at an event, but it’s more how many trees actually survive to grow to reasonable size, provide benefits and then not cause too many problems.

To the credit of our policymakers, they recognize this. One thing we’ve learned is that trees do best in places and situations and during times when there’s good cooperation between residents, community benefit organizations and municipal governments. We are not only trying to plant trees that do well today, but we’re also trying to anticipate climate change and what kinds of conditions we might be facing 10 or 20 years from now.

This is a challenge for urban trees in general: They are a very, very long-term investment. So we are looking at the legacy of urban forestry programs from 50 to 100 years ago. That’s why our cities look like they do.


Indeed, planting trees is a long-term investment that will not only benefit the people of today but more so the future generation. Whatever we do today can impact the lives of everyone in the future especially when it comes to the environment. We can’t just do whatever we feel like doing especially if these are bad habits that damage our surroundings over time. We only stay on the planet for a short while but the effects of our neglect and abuse will stay on for years and years to come.

Taking care of the planet now will leave a positive impression to everyone in the future. We don’t want to condemn them to a life of suffering because we were too lazy to make an effort in saving the planet now when we still can. One of the easiest things to do is to plant a tree. You don’t have to be an expert in doing it and you can plant on a clear space or land where the mature tree won’t likely obstruct anything. When it grows and it does obstruct something, can help trim the tree so there’s no need to really cut it down. We can use one more tree in this world, so count on their professional help to save the life of one tree by trimming it instead of cutting it down.

The blog article Trees Come To Our Aid Find more on: All Clear Tree Service's Blog
